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Actiflo - tradename of sand-ballasted coagulation/clarification process manufactured by Krueger

AquaDAF - tradename for high-rate DAF process piloted by IDI in Ohio during this study

AWWA - American Water Works Association (Denver, CO)

BW - backwash

oC - degrees Celsius

CeraMem - ceramic membrane manufacturer (Waltham, MA) - supplied membranes used in bench-scale testing described in Chapter 4

ClariDAF - tradename for high-rate DAF process piloted by Leopold in Utah and Ohio during this study

cm - centimeter

CONTRAFAST - tradename for high-rate solids contact process piloted by Siemens in Utah during this study

CUWCD - Central Utah Water Conservancy District (Orem, UT) - utility participant

CWD - City of Cleveland Division of Water (Cleveland, OH) - utility participant

DAF - dissolved air floatation

DBP - disinfection by-product

DensaDeg - tradename for high-rate solids contact process piloted by IDI in Ohio during this study

DI - deionized water

DOC - dissolved organic carbon

EE&T - Environmental Engineering and Technology, Inc. (Newport News, VA)

EQ - equalization

FBRR - filter backwash recycle rule, part of surface water treatment rule

Fe - iron

Foundation - Water Research Foundation

fps - ft/s

FTW - filter-to-waste

G - mixing intensity (1/s) for rapid mix or flocculation

gal/ft2 - gallon per square foot

gfd - gallons per day per ft2

gpm/ft2 - gallons per minute per square foot

High-rate DAF - rates >8 gpm/ft2, up to about 20 gpm/ft2

ICR - Information Collection Rule

IDI - Infilco-Degremont, Inc. (Richmond, VA) - manufacturer participant - pilot studies in Ohio and provided historical data from previous studies

J - specific flux

Koch - membrane manufacturer (Waltham, MA) - supplied membranes used in bench-scale testing described in Chapter 4

Krueger - I. Krueger, Inc. (Cary, NC) - manufacturer participant - provided historical data from previous studies

Leopold - F. B. Leopold, Inc. (Zelienople, PA), now part of ITT Corporation - manufacturer participant - pilot studies in Utah and Ohio and historical data from previous studies

MF - microfiltration membranes

MG - million gallons

mgd - million gallons per day

mg/L - milligram per liter

min - minute

mL - milliliter

mm - millimeter

Mn - manganese

NF - nanofiltration membranes

nm - nanometer

NPDES - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

ntu - nephelometric turbidity unit

O&M - operations and maintenance

PAC - powered activation carbon

PACl - polyaluminum chloride

PCU - platinum-cobalt (Pt-Co) color unit

PDR - preliminary design report (see Appendices A and B)

PES - polyethersolfone - membrane material

psi - pounds per in2

Pt-Co - platinum-cobalt

PWP - pure water permeation

RO - reverse osmosis membranes

s - seconds

SCCRWA - South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority

SFBW - spent filter backwash

Standard-rate DAF - rates up to 6 gpm/ft2

TDS - total dissolved solids (TS - TSS)

TMP - transmembrane pressure

TOC - total organic carbon

Trident HSC - tradename for high-rate solids contact process piloted by Siemens in Utah during this study

TSS - total suspended solids (TS - TDS)

TS - total solids (TDS + TSS)

UF - ultrafiltration membranes

UK - United Kingdom

US - United States

USEPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency (Washington, DC)

WTP - water treatment plant

WPP - water purification plant (WPP)

x-flow - cross flow membrane velocity