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 *Source Water Protection

Animal Watering

Livestock housed in open areas (e.g., pastures or uncovered lots) should not have direct access to a creek or stream for water. They can defecate directly into streams, and cause physical damage to stream banks and bank vegetation. Livestock fencing and stream cattle crossings can be used to keep pasture animals out of surface waters, and mechanical livestock watering systems can be used as replacement drinking water sources for the animals. These are popular agricultural BMPs used in many source water protection programs. Fence types include standard or conventional (barbed or smooth wire), suspension, woven wire, and electric fences (USEPA, 2001a).

The USDA conducted a study of four different types of novel livestock watering alternatives. The Elkhorn Creek BMPs Demonstration Project assessed ramp pumps, pasture pumps (cattle activated pump), a solar powered water pump, and limited access watering points (using modern electric fencing components).

Many swine and poultry AFOs use nipple-type watering systems so that the animals spill as little water as possible. This reduces the amount and moisture content of the manure or litter waste from those shelters.