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 *Source Water Protection

Clean Water Diversion

Clean water diversion and run-on control are effective measures for preventing precipitation or surface runoff in upgradient areas from reaching an animal waste handling site (USEPA, 2001a). Stormwater management both inside and outside feedlots and livestock yards is essential to prevent groundwater and surface water contamination. Facilities should use physical means to prevent stormwater from unnecessarily contacting areas where animals are present or where manure or feed is stored. Reducing the size of open holding areas, using covered facilities for housing animals and storing waste, and directing uncontaminated stormwater runoff away from these areas all help at minimizing pollution.

Runoff from upgradient of the facility should be directed around the areas with manure. Surficial diversions, such as trenches, earthen ridges or diversion terraces built above the feedlot or barnyard, can be used to direct surface flow from upgradient areas away from areas where animal waste is located. Runoff water from roofs, adjacent lands, driveways, and other clean areas should not be allowed to contact manure or feed or mix with water contaminated with manure or feed. Rain gutters and downspouts on animal shelter roofs keep runoff clean by controlling and diverting precipitation away from animal waste. Proper protection (or isolation) of agricultural drainage well inlets is important for guarding against ground water contamination. For more information, see LPES Lesson #22 on 'Open Lot Runoff Management Options'.