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Soil Erosion Prevention

Soil erosion practices have been well studied for years, and are well-known to the agricultural community. Effective soil conservation practices not only preserve the soil resource for agricultural use, but reduce the amount of sediment and associated pollutants such as sorbed organic material and attached pathogenic microorganisms and phosphorus that are transported to surface waters.

Appropriate tilling, planting, and watering practices should be used to minimize the amount of soil particles transported off site. Crop rotations and planting cover crops on soybean and corn fields can also help. Riparian buffers between plowed fields and surface waters and drainage channels can be very effective at reducing sediment loads to the waters. Earthen diversions and grass waterways should be properly vegetated, free of sediment build up, and have no signs of water flow channeling (Telega and Cook, 2003). Vegetated filter strips are also used for reducing erosion.

Soil erosion best management practices are discussed in numerous sources, including the following: